For your convenience, two hotels are offering special group rates for the attendees of the ACO Summit.
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
- sold out June 26 and June 27
2500 Calvert Street
Washington, DC 20008 |
The Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
2660 Woodley Road NW
Washington DC 20008-4106
The Omni Shoreham Hotel is the official hotel for The Second National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit.
The group rate is no longer available at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. There are a limited number of guest rooms available on June 28th with rates starting at $307.00 (plus tax) based on availability.
The Marrriott Wardman Park Hotel is directly across from The Omni Shoreham Hotel and is offering Summit Attendees a special group rate of $249.00 single/double per night (plus tax).
Reservations at the group rate may be made by calling Marriott Reservations at 800-228-9290 or 202-328-2000 and asking for the "SNA_AccountableCare Group".
Reservations may also be made online at
Reservations at the group rate will be accepted while rooms are available or until the cut-off date Friday, June 17th. After this, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis at the prevailing rate.
Link to Marriott Wardman Park Hotel: