
June 6 - 8, 2012
Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC
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Mark McClellan, MD, PhD
Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution, Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC

Elliott S. Fisher, MD, MPH
Director, Population Health and Policy, Director, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, Lebanon, NH




Melanie Bella, MBA
Director of the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health & Human Services, Washington, DC |

Jonathan Blum, MMP
Deputy Administrator and Director of the Center for Medicare, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC |

Bruce D. Greenstein, MS
Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Former Associate Regional Administrator and Director of Waivers and Demonstrations, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baton Rouge, LA

Julian Harris, MD, MBA
Medicaid Director, Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services, Boston, MA |

Hoangmai Pham, MD, MPH
Director of ACO Programs, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |

Marilyn Tavenner, MHA
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
National Trends in Health Care Reform
Early Experiences in Medicare: Pioneer ACOs and the Medicare Shared Savings Program |
Moving Towards Accountable Care in States
Creating a Pathway for Multi-Payer ACOs
- Track 1: Accountable Care Payment Strategies
- Panel 1: Creating a Pathway to Population Based Payments
- Panel 2: Payment Strategies to Reduce Costs
- Track 2: Implementing Performance Measures
- Panel 1: Infrastructure for Quality Improvement
- Panel 2: Implementation Path to Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures
- Track 3: Addressing High Risk and Vulnerable Populations
- Panel 1: Identifying High Risk and Vulnerable Populations
- Panel 2: Engaging and Managing Care for High Risk Populations
- Track 4: Clinical Transformation
- Panel 1: Clinical Leadership
- Panel 2: Care Management
- Track 5: Accountable Care in the Private-Sector
- Panel 1: Lessons Learned from Private-Sector ACOs
- Panel 2: Patient Participation in ACOs
- Track 6: Integrated Dual Eligible and Medicaid Reforms
- Panel 1: Integrating Care for Dual Eligibles
- Panel 2: Transitioning Medicaid Programs to Accountable Care
- Track 7: Coordination Across the Continuum of Care
- Panel 1: Community Based Accountable Care
- Panel 2: Strategies to Expand Primary Care Access for AMCs (Tertiary/Quaternary Care)
- Track 8: Engaging Providers in Accountable Care
- Panel 1: Change Management, Aligning Organizational and Physician Values
- Panel 2: Role of Specialists in Accountable Care

David Alge, MBA
Vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY |

Harold J. Apple
President and Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Health Information Exchange, Indianapolis, IN |

James E. Barr, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Vice President Physician Network Development, Optimus Healthcare Partners, VP of Medical Affairs, Aveta Health Solutions, Summit, NJ |

Michael J. Barry, MD
President, Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Monica Basu, MBA
Senior Program Officer for Health Care and Higher Education Initiatives, George Kaiser Family Foundation, Tulsa, OK |

W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD
Associate Chief & Training Program Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Pathology Service and Vice Chair, Economic Affairs Committee, College of American Pathologists, Boston, MA |

Caroline Blaum, MD, MS
Professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs; Associate Director Faculty Group Practice, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI |

Richard Boehler, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Kennedy Health System

Nancy Boerner, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, Monarch Healthcare, Irvine, CA |

Chad Boult, MD, MPH, MBA
Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Director, Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |

Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA
Associate Professor and Vice Chair, University of California, San Francisco, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Core Faculty, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, Chair, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Council on Research and Quality, San Francisco, CA |

Franklin E. Bragg, MD, FACP
Primary Care Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Activities Coordinator, Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor, ME

Jeffrey Brenner, MD
Director, Institute for Urban Health, Cooper University Hospital, Executive Director, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJ |

Daniel Brown, MD
Steward Health Care Network, Boston, MA

Carol Bruce-Fritz
Executive Director, Community Health Partnerships, Colorado Springs, CO |

Neil Calman, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Institute for Family Health, Inc., Clinical Professor of Family and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York, NY

Don Caruso, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, Keene, NH |

Justine M. Carr, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Quality and Safety, Steward Health Care System, LLC, Boston, MA |

Donald E. Casey Jr., MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAHA
Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Quality, Chief Research Officer and Chief Academic Officer, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ |

Dogu Celebi, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Clinical Affairs and Analytics, Clinical Communities and Networks, OptumInsight, Waltham, MA

Molly Coye, MD, MPH
Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health System, Former Director, California Department of Health Services, Former Commissioner of Health, New Jersey, Los Angeles, CA |

Mark D. Crockett, MD FACEP
Chief Medical Officer, Accountable Care Solutions, OptumInsight, Rosemont, IL |

Jay Crosson, MD
Senior Fellow, Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy, Former Founding Executive Director, The Permanente Federation, Oakland, CA |

Jennifer DeCubellis, LPC
Area Director, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, Minneapolis, MN

Mark Dente, MD
Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Strategic Relationships, Healthcare IT Business, GE Healthcare |

Susan Dentzer
Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Bethesda, MD; Health Policy Analyst, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, Washington, DC |

L. Allen Dobson Jr., MD, FAAFP
President, Community Care of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC |

James Dold, RN, BSN
Director of Clinical Performance, New England Quality Care Alliance (NEQCA), Braintree, MA

Michael P. Donahue, MBA
Vice President, Payor Contracting and Relations, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems, Brewer, ME |

Joyce Dubow, PhD
Senior Health Care Reform Director, Office of Policy and Strategy, AARP, Washington DC |

Michael E. Duggan, JD
Chief Executive Officer, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI |

Raymond E. Dusman, MD, MBA
Chief Physician Executive, Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, IN

James Fanale, MD
Senior Vice President of System Development, Jordan Hospital, Plymouth, MA |

James Fasules, MD
Senior Vice President of Advocacy, American College of Cardiology |

Judy Feder, PhD
Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University; Urban Institute Fellow, Urban Institute, Washington, DC |

Jaeson T. Fournier, DC, MPH
Chief Executive Officer, West Side Community Health Services, Saint Paul, MN

Bruce Merlin Fried, JD
Partner, Health Care Group, SNR Denton US LLP, Washington, DC |

John Friend, JD
Vice President, Business Affairs, TMC Healthcare, Executive Director, Arizona Connected Care, Tucson, AZ |

Jerry Friedman, JD
Advisor for Health Policy and Director, External Relations and Advocacy, Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, OH |

Dr. Nick Gettas
National Medical Director, Total Health and Network Organization, CIGNA Healthcare, Hartford, CT

Alice G. Gosfield, Esq.
Principal, Alice Gosfield Associates, Philadelphia, PA |

David C. Grabowski, PhD
Professor, Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |

Mark Hamelburg, JD
Senior Counsel, Health and Life Sciences, SNR Denton, Washington, DC |

Bruce H. Hamory, MD
Executive Vice President, Managing Partner, Geisinger Consulting Services for Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA

Douglas A. Hastings, JD
Partner and Chair, Board of Directors, Epstein, Becker & Green; Past President, American Health Lawyers Association, Washington, DC |

Patrick Herson, MD, MS, FAAFP
Executive Regional Medical Director, South Region, Fairview Medical Group, Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN |

Robert Homchick, JD
Partner and Chair, Health Law Group, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Seattle, WA |

Lisa I. Iezzoni, , MD, M.Sc
Director, Morgan Institute for Health Policy, Massachusetts General Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

George Isham, MD, MS
Chief Health Officer and Plan Medical Director, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN |

Jennifer L. Jackman
Senior Vice President, Accountable Care, Monarch HealthCare, A Medical Group, Inc., Irvine, CA |

Marcia Guida James, MS, MBA
CPC Director, Provider Engagement, Humana, Louisville, KY |

Wayne Jenkins, MD, MPH
President, Orlando Health Physician Partners, Senior Vice President, Orlando Health, Orlando, FL

Susan Kendig, JD, MSN
Principal, Health Policy Advantage, LLC; Outside Counsel, Missouri Center for Patient Safety, St. Louis, MO |

Charles D. Kennedy, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer of Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna, Hartford, CT |

Thomas H. Kloos, MD
President, Optimus Healthcare Partners, Summit, NJ |

Ellis "Mac" Knight MD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Physician and Clinical Integration, Palmetto Health, Executive Medical Director, Palmetto Health Quality Collaborative, Columbia, SC

Robert Kocher, MD
Partner, Venrock Associates, Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Former Special Assistant to President Obama for Healthcare and Economic Policy, Palo Alto, CA |

S. Lawrence Kocot, JD, LLM, MPA
Deputy Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, The Brookings Institution, Senior Counsel, SNR Denton, Washington, DC |

Katrina M. Lambrecht, JD, MBA
Vice President & Chief of Staff, UTMB Health, Galveston, TX |

Michael Leavitt
Founder and Chairman, Leavitt Partners, Former Governor of Utah, Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Salt Lake City, UT

Robert F. Leibenluft, JD
Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC |

Stuart Levine, MD, MHA
President, Medical Innovation, Redondo Beach, CA |

Gene Lindsey, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrius Health, Newton, MA |

Tricia McGinnis MPP, MPH
Senior Program Officer, Center for Health Care Strategies, Hamilton, NJ

Aaron McKethan, PhD
Vice President, RxAnte, Former National Director, Beacon Communities, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, McLean, VA |

Ellen Meara, PhD
Associate Professor, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Policy, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth College, Lebanon, NH |

Gerry Meklaus, MHSA
Senior Managing Director & Practice Leader, Physician Enterprise, FTI Consulting, Inc |

Richard Merkin, MD
President & Chief Executive Officer, Heritage California ACO, Northridge, CA

Michael L. Millenson
President, Health Quality Advisors LLC, Highland Park, IL |

Kristen Miranda
Vice President, Provider Network Management, Blue Shield of California, El Dorado Hills, CA |

David R. Nerenz, PhD
Director, Center for Health Services Research, Director, Outcomes Research, Neuroscience Institute, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI |

Vincent J. Papaccio
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Reliance Medical Group, LLC, Pleasantville, NJ

Kavita Patel, MD, MSHS
Fellow, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, The Brookings Institution, Former Director of Policy, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, White House, Washington, DC |

Phil Polakoff, MD, MPH, MEnvSc
Managing Partner, Polakoff/Boland, Berkeley, CA |

Chris Queram, MA
President and Chief Executive Officer, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, Middleton, WI |

Michael J. Randall
Director of Clinical Innovation, Advocate Physician Partners, Rolling Meadows, IL

Judy Rich, RN
President & Chief Executive Officer, Tucson Medical Center, Tucson, AZ |

Stephen Rosenthal, MsC, MBA
President, Chief Operating Officer, Montefiore Care Management, Yonkers, NY |

Lee B. Sacks, MD
Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Advocate Health Care, Chief Executive Officer, Advocate Physician Partners, Oak Brook, IL |

Dana Safran, ScD
Senior Vice President for Performance Measurement and Improvement, Health Care Services Division, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA

Lewis Sandy, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Clinical Advancement, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, Minnetonka, MN |

Scott Sarran, MD
Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Chicago, IL |

Martin Serota, MD
Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, AltaMed, Los Angeles County Accountable Care Network, Los Angeles, CA |

Stephen Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA
Dean, School of Public Health, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy & Management, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Warren Skea, PhD
Director, Health Enterprise Growth Practice, PwC, Dallas, TX |

Jeanene Smith, MD, MPH
Administrator, Oregon Health Policy and Research, Salem, OR |

Jay Sultan
General Manager for Payment Reform, The TriZetto Group, Athens, GA |

Gino Tenace, MBA
President and Chief Operating Officer, Rise Health, Jacksonville, FL

Jane Hyatt Thorpe, JD
Associate Research Professor, School of Public Health and Health Services, and Director, Healthcare Corporate Compliance Certificate Program, George Washington University, Washington, DC |

Deborah E. Trautman, PhD, RN
Executive Director, Johns Hopkins Medicine Center for Health Policy and Healthcare Transformation, Baltimore, MD |

Greger J. Vigen MBA, FSA
Independent Health Actuary, Los Angeles, CA |

Barton Wald, MD
Regional Medical Director, HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Torrance, CA

Andrew Wiesenthal, MD, SM
Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP, San Francisco, CA |

Mark Werner, MD
Chief Clinical Integration Officer, Fairview Health, Minneapolis, MN |

Penny Wheeler, MD
Chief Clinical Officer, Allina Hospitals & Clinics, Minneapolis, MN |

Randall E. Williams, MD, FACC
Chief Executive Officer, PHAROS Innovations, Northfield, IL

Kenneth C. Wilson, MD
System Vice President, Clinical Effectiveness and Quality, Norton Healthcare, Louisville, KY |

Naomi Wyatt, JD
Director of Legal and Governmental Affairs, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJ
