ACO Summit: Advertising Items & Events
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your reach! Choose one of the items listed below or combine two.
Items & Events Advertising Opportunities:
Networking Reception - $10,000
Attendees, exhibitors, food and networking - now this is a combination for success! All conference attendees will be invited to your sponsored Networking Reception. Your company's logo will be posted on signs at the reception thanking you for your sponsorship. We will also include your logo on the conference website homepage listed as an Additional Grantor.
Luncheon - $4,500
Be the host of a luncheon for all attendees in the Exhibit Hall. One very important benefit of sponsoring the luncheon is signage recognition. For even more exposure, add a print advertisement with your sponsored luncheon for an additional $500.00.
Continental Breakfast - $3,500
Host one of the continental breakfasts in the exhibit hall. Let your logo be the first the attendees see in the morning while grabbing a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Add a print advertisement to include on the breakfast tables for an additional $500.00.
Refreshment Break - $2,500
Attendees will really appreciate this energy boost! Imagine the buzz you'll create with your company name displayed throughout the exhibit hall/break area. Add a print advertisement to include in the break area for an additional $500.00.
Badge-Holder Necklaces - $4,000
Wouldn't you like every registrant wearing your logo, company name, website and/or phone number around their neck? This is one great way to get your name out there!
Cyber Café - $4,000
Display your company's logo, ad or banner on the screensaver of every monitor in the cyber café! Attendees will appreciate your sponsorship as they access the internet to download and print conference speaker presentations, itineraries, boarding passes, etc. All in the Cyber Café!
Webcast Sponsorship - $3,000
Promote your organization to the virtual conference attendees by sponsoring the live conference webcast. The webcast allows online attendees to watch speakers and view their slide presentations as well as interact with moderator and panelists during the live Q&A, all via the internet. Following the event, the online video-recordings are available on archive 24/7 for six months. Your logo will appear on the homepage/landing page and webcast page of the archive video recording. Also, during conference breaks, an interstitial video will display a sponsor roll in the webcast window.
Registration Desk - $3,000
Imagine your company name as the first thing attendees see upon arrival! A Registration Sponsorship includes signs posted in the registration check-in area. It also includes a hand out, of your choice, to be placed on the registration counter for a lasting impression.
Game Card and Grand Prize Sponsor - $3,000
Be the host to one of the most popular moments during the conference! As the Game Card and Grand Prize Sponsor, you will host the "game cards" at your booth. Each card will have your company logo and information printed on it. Each attendee will receive a card during registration at the registration counter and then once completed, drop them off in a box at your booth. In order to be entered into the drawing they must visit all exhibit booths and get a signature/initial from those representatives. During the drawing be the one to stand up in front of the crowd, say a few words and announce the winner of the grand prize.
Power Charge Station - $2,500
We all know what it's like to be somewhere and have your phone or computer battery die. Be the hero by sponsoring a power station! Attendees can charge their phone and computer all the while, looking at signs thanking you for this sponsorship.
Individual Marketing Items - $2,500
Leave a lasting impression with the attendees by giving them something they will keep indefinitely. Let us hand out an item of your choice with your logo imprinted on it (to be ordered by you). Below are a few suggestions but the possibilities are endless:
- Calculator
- Coffee Mug
- Flash Drive
- Hand Sanitizer
- Hotel Key Card
- Letter Opener
- Luggage Identifier
- Mousepad
- Notepad
- Pen
- Tote Bag
- Water Bottle with Water Station
(Price specified is the sponsorship fee only and does not include cost of the item)
Other Opportunities Available
If you don't see something on the list that you would like to do, we are open to suggestions and would love to hear from you. Please contact the sponsor and exhibit office at exhibits@hcconferences.com or (206) 673-4815 to discuss further.
